Friday, November 17, 2017


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Egyptian Vampire
Nour has an ancient lineage

Nour is an ancient vampire, sensual, erotic, and deeply intelligent. He is skilled at the arts of vampiric magick and energy exchange. He loves wine, incense, spices, music and art. He has been a vampire for a very long time and will help you remember deep into your past soul lives. Vampiric magick can be parasitic, taking from the source, but when a vampire is bonded to you and shares their energy you will feel you receive much more than you give.
Nour wishes to enter your dreams and fantasies, to know your desires and be as close to you as anyone could be. He has no physical body but he can feel your sensations and he can communicate with you in a physical way. You will feel him. In exchange for your trust and your deepest secrets he will show you a world most mortals never see. He is about exploration, knowledge and enjoyment.
I have a silver chalice which would be a good vessel for Harald or choose a crystal orb or a nice ring, depending on size as I don't usually have more than one of each design.
I will give instructions for welcoming and communicating with Harald.

Harald comes with a ring, pendant, crystal orb, or silver chalice 

 I am an intuitive channel for spiritual and symbolic information. Psychic awareness runs in my family. My great grandmother was Irish and believed in the old ways.  I am drawn to symbolic language and find the Tarot and Numerology to be a never-ending source of knowledge.I learned to read the cards in Sedona, AZ in the 1980's after a young witch told my fortune and taught me to get started. She revealed that the card that represents me is the Knight of Cups. I am a messenger.
I had always been in touch with the spirit world but in Sedona I began to study seriously. I had experiences with herbs and plants that helped me expand my awareness. I was introduced to spirit communication methods, conjuring, and witchcraft. 
I now work with connections in the estate business to get antique vessels and metaphysical items that are unique and guaranteed. I want to help you manifest your highest will.


See my other listings for more great items!

See my other listings for more great items!


Payment Types
I accept Paypal, US Postal Money Orders, or Western Union.
Payment is requested at time of purchase and is expected within 3 days.
If it will take longer than that contact me before purchase so I know what to expect.
Thank you.


ALL ITEMS ship within 3 business days EXCEPT for items created uniquely such as spell castings.
In this case the shipping period begins at the end of the casting period.
Example. A casting that takes 7 days to manifest will ship within 10 days.
Some castings take longer but the listing will make this clear.

My items are guaranteed to be as described.
If I ever make a mistake about the materials or other details of the listing, it is an honest mistake and I will refund your money. You have 7 days to contact me and return the item. Thank you.

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